Welcome at the Economic and Commercial Office in Berlin

Our office supports the partnership between Egypt and Germany in trade and investment related issues. Therefore we strive to provide you with information for doing business with Egypt.

Accordingly, we promote Egyptian exports to the German market, which can complement the German industry. Egypt offers a wide range of agricultural and industrial products. Through our website you can obtain information about Egyptian exporters, and also Egyptian participation in the exhibitions and fairs held in Germany. You will also find information on exhibitions held in Egypt.

German companies wishing to extend their business to the Egyptian market can find the basic information on the Egyptian Economy, in addition to the more detailed information on the legal framework, incentives offered to investors and different investment opportunities.

We welcome you to browse our website to discover the potential opportunities for business between Egypt and Germany.

NEW: Import inquiries
Your needs - our service

We now offer German companies to report their required products to us. You will consequently receive fitting offers for your specific needs from Egyptian exporters.

To the inquiry form


Manager Training Programme BMWK/GIZ

Egyptian Managers from several secotrs like Food, Engineering, Industrial Services are ready for B2B talks in Germany from May 16-27

More information



Egyptian Automotive Suppliers

Updated catalogue of Egyptian suppliers from the Automotive Industry, published by the Engineering Export Council

Download it in our section "Import from Egypt" or directly HERE


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